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Our colleague, partner, and mostly friend, Eliezer Eskin from UCLA, was elected as the 2019 International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB) fellow. This is in large part, thanks to his innovative and pioneering initiative, Computational Genomics Summer Institute(CGSI) that will be given this summer for the fourth time.
ISBRA 2019
Sagi's paper: "Greedy Partition Distance under Stochastic Models - Analytic Results×´ . is accepted to ISBRA 2019.

Gur and Sagi's paper is accepted at Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.
"Synteny Footprints Provide Clearer Phylogenetic Signal than Sequence Data for Prokayotic Classification". Accepted to Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution.

Our grant proposal Tracing Prokaryotic Evolution via Ordered Orthology was awarded by the Israel Science Foundation. The grant will focus on loss of synteny as an evolutionary signal and will exploit it for several applications such as Phylogenetics, horizontal gene transfer detection, and alike.
July 2014
October 2013
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